Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
The GAA PTG is challenging the students to read over 2,000 hours from November 1st to November 18th in our first annual Read-A-Thon.
Family and friends can sponsor a student to encourage them to complete their reading goals and help raise money for our school. GAA families will receive 25% fundraising credit on all donations made! As a PTG fundraiser, donations help fund classroom reasources and student activites.
The Read-A-Thon website will track each student's donations and our classroom standings. You can search for a particular student or just make a general donation.
Each student participant with a sponsorship will receive a prize. The classroom with the most dollars raised will win a classroom prize--a pizza party and an extra 30 minutes of recess. Each sponsored student that turns in a completed BINGO card will be entered into the drawing for a reading gift basket. The BINGO card is available to print from the Option C email or pick up a hard copy in the office.
If you have any questions please contact Teresa Fuchs at ptgsecretary@guardianangelacademy.org
Your donations will help pay for:
- General and PTG fundraising
Group Standings

Avery your the best !