Goal: $22,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Get ready for the biggest fundraiser of the school year! This all-school event challenges students to collect pledges for laps run over a 30-minute period on a 1/16-mile course. The run takes place throughout the day during the students' specials periods. Parents and other family and friends can register to run too!

The proceeds from this year's event will support the school's plans to build more dynamic learning environments and creative work spaces for our students both in the classrooms and throughout the commons areas of the building.

All participants:

$12,676 raised
of $22,000 goal
Raised $700
Raised $400
Raised $350
Raised $350
Raised $280
Raised $260
Raised $260
Raised $225
Raised $225
Raised $200
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Jennifer Dobosz

You are amazing

Brandon B Jacobs

You did a great job from the whole family

Brandon B Jacobs

Great job sweetie from the whole family

Lori Tomassoni O'Halloran

Way to Go Kyle. Mom and Dad Love you so much!!