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About this fundraiser:
Hays High School Band family, friends, and fans!
Our Hawk Band March-A-Thon has become one of the bands largest annual fundraisers and has continued to support our endeavors for cultivating a culture of musical excellence.
March-A-Thon is an annual event that allows supporters of the Hays High School Band and its student members the opportunity to sponsor a student or the entire program. This sponsorship is to support the over 200 hours of hard work that each student will put into the 2022 marching season. Sponsors have the opportunity to make a "per minute" sponsorship or make a flat donation sponsorship to show their support and appreciation for the hard work of each student and the Hays Band community.
This event that will take place on Saturday, October 15th, 2022 during a 4-hour rehearsal (240 minutes), and will end with a free performance at Bob Shelton Stadium at 7:30pm.
We are proud to have a remarkable team of exceptional young students. Our program strives to build character and integrity for each of our band and color guard members. Through their experience in band, it is our hope that they will mature into young adults, ready to take on the professional world slated ahead. With that said, we truly appreciate any support you can give to our program. Your generosity will make the most of their hard work by helping to fund the purchase of props, technicians, clinicians, transportation, supplemental master classes as well as various other needs, while at the same time keeping the band program affordable so that any student can participate. Donations are VITAL to the success of this program and for keeping band fees low and affordable for all.
Please help by making a donation and by sharing our campaign on your Facebook, Twitter, email, and/or text message service. Together, we hope to meet our goal of $50,000 in donations that will go towards the further enrichment of our band students' experience here at Hays High School.
Thank you so much for taking the time to consider donating to our campaign!
The HHS Band Staff
Your donations will help pay for:
- Instrumental Master Classes
- Band & Guard Technicians
- Band & Guard Consultants
- Show Design
- Basic Band & Guard Needs
All participants:
Top Donations
Thank you to all of our family and friends for the donations!! We appreciate you guys

What an amazing year!! Go Hawks!