Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
San Lorenzo Valley Girls Softball is a non-profit organization and we depend on the support of our local businesses and community to run the league and make a great experience for our players.
Our softball program teaches players about teamwork, sharing, self-esteem and other skills useful to their future as an adult. We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support.
We are asking that your child participate in our hit-a-thon fund raiser this year. Players accept pledges for a set fixed dollar amount.
Each player will get three hits from the tee and the longest hit will be recorded. There will be a trophy for the longest hit in each age group and the team that raises the most money will get to have a pizza party.
The money raised helps us to keep our league registration fees affordable, maintain our softball fields, and provide quality equipment for our players.
Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.
Share the link to your page via text, email or Facebook etc.
You help spreading the word is greatly appreciated.
Group Standings

Crush it!!!!!