Goal: $30,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Hello Everyone,

Anclote High School is looking for donations to support Student, Teacher, and Staff Recognition, as well as funds for student technology & classroom needs.

At Anclote High, we do many amazing things to recognize our outstanding students: Principal's Brunches where outstanding students are nominated for showing RESPECT, EXCELLENCE, and PRIDE. A token economy of SHARK BUCKS, where students can earn prizes weekly. On-Track Celebrations (cotton candy, popcorn, sno cones). Semester Celebrations (Dunk Tank, Slides, Inflatable Games, etc.).

For staff we provide monthly chills where staff can enjoy a small treat/breakfast for their hard work at every marking period. We try to provide whatever we can for our hard working teachers and staff as often as possible.

Our school also has a technology need and we hope to be able to purchase additional laptops to better provide support for students in the classroom, as well as support to classroom teachers.

We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the exciting things we do for our Shark family without your monetary support.

Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Student Recognition
  • Staff Recognition
  • Purchase of Laptops
  • Classroom Needs

Top Donations

Raph Current

Have an awesome year, Sharks!

Annmarie Bowen Scott
The Huey Family

Keep up the amazing work CJ!

Charles Huey