Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
Dear Hillside families,
Did you know that the PTO sponsors field trips, Cultural Arts programs, and class parties? In the past few years, the PTO has assisted with building beautification projects, replaced many water-damaged library books, supported the addition of air conditioning to the school, and funded the Hillside garden refurbishment, among many, many other undertakings.
Based on the 2024-2025 PTO budget, we expect to spend approximately $125 per student this school year. As a result, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Some of the PTO’s plans include the following:
· Heavily subsidize field trip costs for all students
· Sponsor numerous Cultural Arts programs for students that support the curriculum
· Contribute to a new audio-visual system in the cafeteria
· Plan and support many after school clubs
· Fund building beautification projects and the Hillside garden
· Host several social events for all families, including the Spring Fair, Ice Skating Social, Winter Social, and Trunk or Treat
· Provide classroom set up funds for all core, special area, and special education teachers
· Purchase teaching aids and items requested by classroom teachers
Our goal is to only hold ONE fundraiser this school year to raise all of the funds needed, as it has been tremendously successful in years past. No cookie dough, wrapping paper, or gadget sales needed!
The FUNdraiser begins NOW! The campaign concludes with a FUN Friday Dance & Prance event on the afternoon of Friday, September 27th.
1:00 – 2:00pm – K (PM), 1st & 2nd grades
2:30 – 3:30pm – 3rd & 4th grades
*AM kindergarteners are invited to return with a caregiver for the event from 1-2pm
Thanks to our generous family and corporate sponsors, every student, faculty, and staff member will receive an event day Hillside t-shirt.
Please know that no amount is too small. Share with family and friends who may also be interested in donating. Your ongoing backing is truly appreciated as we support Hillside and our children’s educational journey.
The Hillside PTO
P.S. Does your company match donations? Contact Mike at
treasurer@hillsidepto.org with any questions.
Questions? Contact Brad at fundraising@hillsidepto.org.
**Please note, the “tip” that is requested is NOT paid to Hillside. This goes directly to the 99 Pledges donation platform being used.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Cultural Arts programs for all students
- Subsidize field trip costs for all students
- Class parties
- Help fund new audio-visual system in the cafeteria
- And much more!