Kyle's Goal: $1,500

Help spread the word

Kyle Kelly

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

I have the opportunity to be presented to society through the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, 45th Annual Le Beautillion Militaire Program.

Throughout the year, I had the have the opportunity to meet local leaders and be involved in various activities that promote leadership, civic, cultural, philanthropic, and educational activities. These activities are designed to promote leadership development for future career choices and adulthood.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

The Le Beautillion Militaire Program is the premier fundraiser of the Mobile Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. The proceeds benefit the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, a 501(c)3, and local non-profit organizations. The Foundation is fulfilling its shared vision with Jack and Jill of America, Inc., to invest in the future of all children. The ultimate goal of every Foundation grant dollar is to empower young people to make the right life choices. Programs funded by the Foundation are improving academic test scores, raising literacy and mathematical competencies, encouraging cultural consciousness, and instilling moral and social responsibility in America’s youth.

All participants:

$1,025 raised
of $20,000 goal

Top Donations

Harold and JoAnn Lathon

Congratulations Kyle!

Dr. Jennifer Sims

Congrats Cousin Kyle! So proud of you! 👍🏾

Marquis and Carol Westry

Super proud of you, Kyle!

Tyler and ReShawn Howard

Congratulations Kyle!

Jasclyn and Kaden Coney

Congratulations Cousin! We are proud of you!