Goal: $2,500

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

The Cameron Middle School PTO is committed to supporting its students and families. The PTO has faced challenges in the past few years with minimal meeting participation, volunteerism and financial support. We certainly know that everyone's lives are very busy and they cannot always commit to "one more thing" or they would love to support the PTO but just don't have any interest in purchasing the latest item for sale. So we have setup this simple site for those that would just like to make a donation. All funds raised will support events for students and families as well as teacher appreciation and end of year activities for all three grades.
Please contribute what you can to ensure we can help support these activities. Please share this with your friends, families and anyone else you think would be willing to help support our community. Thank you! Cameron PTO

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Student Events
  • Cameron Family Events
  • Teacher Appreciation
  • Grade Level End of Year Activities

Top Donations

Aimee Stanley
Liliya Mayorova
Lucimar Ribeiro

God bless Cameron School!