Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
We are a 100% volunteer run co-ed non-profit recreational youth baseball league founded in San Leandro, CA in 1963. We partner with the Positive Coaching Alliance and the Oakland Athletics, and our program is based on sportsmanship, playing baseball with friends and having fun. Your support helps us continue to provide an outlet for our youth in the east bay. Thank you for anything you can contribute.
We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!
Your donations will help pay for:
- Field improvements
- Equipment
- Coaches Training
- Improvements to our snack bar
Group Standings
Dark Knights
Green Machine
Not Vegas
Top Donations
Eso es todo Luis Antonio! ⚾️ de parte de todos tus familiares!
Good Job Adrian!
Keep playing, buddy!

Good job Easton