Goal: $18,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Our Band Program is dedicated to giving students the opportunity to grow musically, socially, and academically. Through musical performance, students learn how to perform and appreciate music of a variety of styles and levels of difficulty. Through group involvement, students learn how to work together to achieve common goals and achievements that are more personal and develop self-discipline. Through the study of harmony, scales, rhythms, etc., students develop skills that will allow them to truly understand and appreciate the foundation of music as well as the aesthetics.

We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Travel expenses, including London, England
  • Instruments and music
  • Uniforms
  • Props
  • Show prep

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All participants:

$19,120 raised
of $18,000 goal
Raised $1,625
Raised $1,340
Raised $1,000
Raised $540
Raised $500
Raised $425

Top Donations

Grasshopper Circle
Peter Sistare
Willis Earley
Wren Anderson
Scott Hesketh