Goal: $35,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Patriot League Cap Night is a fun opportunity for players to unite with their new Coach and team, working together to raise money for their league and earning top pick of their minor league baseball jersey!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Batting Cages at Shira Field!

All participants:

$21,390 raised
of $35,000 goal
Raised $1,500
Raised $1,400
Raised $1,225
Raised $740
Raised $545
Raised $500
Raised $500
Raised $435
Raised $430

Top Donations

Bonnie Contreras and Jim Whitfield

You’re doing great, Roman, keep it up!

Alvarado Rubi Family


Blair Sign Programs
Tiffany Rubi Alvarado

Go Jeff!!

Adrian Villegas

Way to go Adrian