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About this fundraiser:
The mission of River Grove is to utilize the area’s natural resources, history, arts, and civic stewardship of the community as a foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, art, and other curriculum subjects. The place-based learning environment is student-centered, designed by teachers, and reinforced and supported by our community.
Not your ordinary classroom, students spend much of the day learning outdoors - on hikes researching mushrooms in science, in the outdoor classroom studying math, experiencing art through nature, or finding a quiet space to read in the sunshine. In the winter, we nordic ski, learn about animal tracks, and build animal dens. Students learn through hands on activities and projects. Each Friday, students have dedicated time on student driven projects that support their natural surroundings and their school. Students also enjoy physical education, art, musical theater, orchestra, band, and fufilling enrichment activities like podcasting, field trips, and service projects.
Each student is supported and encouraged in their individual learning through teacher led curriculum, special support, and engaging projects. Time outside energizes and connects the students to nature. Students work together with their teachers to build a supportive, creative, and engaging environment for all.
This month students are pledging to read a certain amount of minutes per day and asking you to pledge funds in support of their school. Look for your reader in the search bar to the right and please give what you can.
Your support allows us to continue to offer unique programming, resources, and learning opportunities for our students. Thank you for your generosity.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Art and Drama programs
- Classroom supplies
- Support outdoor classroom spaces
Group Standings

Go Grove !!!