Goal: $50,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Sacred Heart has been a pillar for education excellence for several generations in the Farmington area. A huge factor which contributes to our success, is the generous community which has helped keep our doors open all these years. Without the many ways that YOU give, we would be unable to offer such a prestigious religious education, filled with strong values and high standards, at such a competitive price.

Our Computer Lab technology is 14 years old and our goal is to update it with this year's Walk-A-Thon. Thank you all in advance for the many, many ways you contribute to our school.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • 22 Student Computers
  • Lab Teacher Computer
  • Printer
  • 15 Touch Screen Pens
  • Teacher Laptops

All participants:

$42,974 raised
of $50,000 goal
Raised $5,077
Raised $5,000
Raised $1,280
Raised $1,276
Raised $1,250
Raised $1,250
Raised $1,090
Raised $1,000
Raised $978
Raised $700

Top Donations

Neidharts-San Juan Oncology

Go Alan!

Neidharts-San Juan Oncology

Go Zara!

Sweetlands Complete Auto
Murray Auto Maintenance
Murray Auto Maintenance