Goal: $40,000
only 5 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

On what is hailed as “the most fun day of the year!”, students participate in team building activities, games, and complete an obstacle course while raising funds to support student well-being and academic success.

Our fundraising goal for Survivor Challenge is $100 per student. Share your student’s pledge page with family and friends to reach more supporters. WAVE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. (TAX ID: 93-0930997).

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Language Arts, Science, History, Music, Visual Arts
  • Reading Intervention Specialists
  • Care Counselors

Group Standings

1 - Frink, Sharon
5 - Moreno, Heidi
5 - Koga, Yuri
2 - Miketta, Lynette
6 - Ouweleen, Mark

Top Donations

Chloe Hayrapetian
Grandma and Grandpa
Tara Ficek
Rita Voskanian
Taleen Barsoumian