Goal: $38,950

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

At Tahoe Elementary, we consider the “extras” like music, art, garden education, and field trips to be “necessaries.” With that in mind, we work hard each year to raise funds so that these and other impactful programs are available to all the students at our school. Thank you for taking the time to sponsor our students as they run, jog, and walk on October 18th!

All participants:

$23,761 raised
of $38,950 goal
Raised $2,550
Raised $1,725
Raised $1,273.82
Raised $955
Raised $670
Raised $670
Raised $595
Raised $587.22
Raised $555
Raised $545

Top Donations


Logan for President!

Grandma & Grandpa

We love you Joaquin


I love you!

Mama ❤️

Go, Logie, go!!

Jason D

sei un campione Joaquin!!