Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
Wilmington Little league is a league where our kids learn as much off the field as they do on the field. We believe this is because of the incredible players, the awesome coaches and more importantly the incredible support from our families and community. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.
We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!
More Details:
• Every player that raises more than $100.00 is awarded a raffle ticket and entered into the raffle to win the grand prize. Each additional $50.00 donation over $100.00 earns another raffle ticket!
• Each Player hits 10-balls at the Team’s designated Hit-A-Thon event by Friday, May 27th to determine total amount raised per Player.
• The Player who raises the most money for each team receives a $25 Amazon Gift Card AND moves on to represent their team in the Championship Hit-A-Thon held on Championship Saturday on May 28th, 2022
• The Player with the longest hit recorded on each team moves on to represent their team in the T-Mobile Home Run Derby held on Championship Saturday on May 28th, 2022
• On Championship Saturday, each Team’s representative Player hits 5-balls (single = 1pt, double = 2pts, triple = 3pts, HR = 4pts.) to determine a Divisional Hit-A-Thon Champion! Divisional Champions Will
Your donations will help pay for:
- Field improvements
- Equipment
- New Programs
- Keeps the cost of registration down
- Helps cover the cost league fees
- Plus many other things that come up through out the season
Group Standings
Max hit that ball all the way to Florida