Goal: $50,000
only 92 days left!

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About this fundraiser:

Alpine Little League has been serving local families since 1960 and our mission is to be an outstanding community organization that creates a culture where kids of all abilities love playing the games of baseball and softball.

In order to operate the league, we rely on the generous donations of members of our community as our registration fees and sponsorships don't fully cover the league's operating budget.

The Alpine Hit-A-Thon, a part of the Alpine Little League Fan Fest, is a fun community event with carnival games, food trucks and the hitting competition itself held on the baseball diamond at La Entrada.

We are also introducing new events this year for our Majors divisions in baseball and softball: Home Run Derby, Golden Spikes, and Golden Arm.

Your tax-deductible donations allow us to keep Alpine Little League strong and growing. Also, if you work for a company that provides a company match to your donation please make sure to fill that out.

Big thank you to our sponsors Alpine Inn, Bucks, Carta, Dr. Scott Kaloust, Guy Plumbing, The Village Doctor, and 3 for 2.

And huge thanks to our community in advance for your support in this campaign and on the field!

- Alpine Little League