Goal: $30,000
only 5 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

This year our Hit-a-Thon will be at Constellation Field on February 22nd!

Tier 1 ($75-149 raised): 5 pitches at Constellation Field's home plate

Tier 2 ($150+ raised): In addition to getting to hit 5 pitches at home plate they will get their name announced on the PA as they walk up to the plate

Our kids learn as much off the field as they do on the field. We believe this is because of the incredible players, the awesome coaches and more importantly the incredible support from our families and community. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.

We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field Improvements
  • Baseball Equipment
  • Scoreboards

Group Standings

CPAAA - Dodgers
Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball - Phillies
Major - Little League Baseball - Padres
CPAAA - Padres
Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball - Rockies

Top Donations

Karyn & Papa Robertson

Play with heart!

Colton Clark

Good luck, hit a dinger!


Go Eli!!!

Hotwagner family

Way to go Liam!!!

Clements Family