Goal: $55,000
only 21 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Get ready for an unforgettable day of fun and color as we come together to make a real difference for Bevis Elementary! This year’s Fill The Boot: Color Run is going to be full of excitement—think vibrant color stations, great music, and a whole lot of energy! Whether your child is walking, jogging, or running, every step helps raise important funds for educational programs, events, and the playground canopy we've been working so hard to bring to our Broncos.

We’d love for you to be part of this special day! Your participation means so much, and together, we’ll make Bevis an even better place for our kids. Thank you for being part of this amazing community and for your support! 💙

#FillTheBoot #BevisElementary #ColorRunFun #CommunitySupport #Fundraiser #GetActive

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Playground Canopy
  • Educational Enhancements
  • Student Events

Group Standings

Mrs. Shea Bagley-3RD GRADE
Mrs. Robin Schilling-1ST GRADE
Mrs. Amy Johnston-1ST GRADE
Mrs. Liz Sanchez-4TH GRADE
Mrs. Ellesse Spadoni-1ST GRADE
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Nani and Papo Thompson

Have Fun Cooper 👍❤️


Have fun Emma!!

Caliguire Family

Good Job Austyn