Goal: $12,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Spread the love of reading while helping to fund the Cabrillo Library and other essential school needs. Ask family and friends to pledge money based on how many hours you read between April 22 and May 10. Prizes include gift certificates to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair (May 20-23), as well as fun prizes for your class and the entire school! Reminder: Donate to your participant's personal page for them to be eligible for the Pledge Prizes. Prizes lists and more information can be seen on the PTO website @ https://CabrilloPTO.org

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Library Materials and other school necessities

Group Standings

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Top Donations

Mama and Dada

Whoop whoop! Keep reading, girl!

The Scott Family

So proud of you Cole! Love your passion for reading

Dad - Adam
Mom & Dad

Keep Reading Bennie!!

Papa & Nonie

You can totally do this! 🫶🏻