Goal: $50,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

The Chapman Elementary School FunD Run is our main fundraiser for the year! Funds will go directly to the Reading Results program, physical education equipment, student community outreach and teacher’s assistants.

On FunD Run Day, June 7th, each student will run as many laps as they can around Wallace Park for 30 minutes. These are BIG laps! Family and friends can pledge money for students based on each lap they complete, or they can contribute a flat sum.

Thank you for contributing and being a part of our community! Please come out and cheer us on during race day and wear your Chapman red! Let's go Swifts!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • PE Equipment
  • Reading Results
  • Outreach
  • Teacher's Assistants

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Let’s Go Max and team Chapman!

DW Hinman Cellars

Go Chapman, Go!

Mom & Dad

You’re so awesome!!


Go Swifts! HYPHN is cheering you all on! Have a great race day!

Mom & Dad

You are so awesome!