Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
Hello Cubbies and Cubby Families!
Thank you so much for participating in our 2024 Glow Run! The Cubby Hustle! Our Fundraiser starts on Friday, April 19th!
HELP US Raise money to purchase an ELECTRONIC READER BOARD (and possibly more need items!) for our beloved GLENWOOD!
If we raise our GOAL of $10,000....the entire school gets to watch our Principal, Mr. Lopez, get SLIMED!!!!
But that's not all, we have grade competitions, great prizes and a lot of fun to be had!
Please email us at Glenwoodcubbiespto@gmail.com and we can send you a custom link that's for your Student ONLY! Don't worry, we can still take cash or checks and also count them on 99 Pledges, along with funds raised online! Registration is free!
Our Glow Run Celebration will be held at Laurin on May 10th, from 6-8pm. Join us for our "GLOW RUN"! Our Cubbies will have a super cool GLOW Obstacle Course that they can participate in! If we Raise $3,000 - Free Pizza at the Glow Run
If we raise $5,000 - Free Popsicles at the Glow Run
If we get to $10,000 - MR. LOPEZ GETS SLIMED!!!! (this will be done the Monday after the Glow Run Celebration so all Students can watch!)
Our Cubby PTO is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your donation is tax-deductible. A receipt with our TAX ID with be provided with your donation!
Thank you all again and we can't wait to get this PARTY started!!!
-Glenwood Cubbies PTO
Group Standings

Go Baylee