Goal: $20,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

The mission of the Dunedin High School NJROTC unit is to enable cadets to complete their education, equip them to become informed and responsible citizens, develop in the areas of discipline, leadership and communication. We are a cadet led unit which allows cadets to practice what they have learned in the areas of project management, leadership, communication and military ceremonies. They set unit goals, plan unit events and activities as well as provide mentoring and direction to fellow cadets all under the supervision of two retired Navy personnel, Commander Garrett Jones and Chief Petty Officer Chris Johnson. Additionally, our unit is known

Our unit is known for its community service (CS) and last year we set new records completing over 3,500 hours of community service living up to our unit motto of "Service to Others Above Self." Each year we work hard to have a positive impact in our community by cleaning up beaches, attending community parades, restoring memorials, supporting community-wide recycling efforts and even performing at professional sporting events. Our goal this year is to join the 4K club!

It takes over $30,000 a year to effectively run the unit and allow our teams to compete at the state and potentially the national level. This includes specialty equipment, competition, team clothing, lodging, transportation, and food.

Please consider sponsoring our unit as we help to train and prepare the next generation of leaders! Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

If you would like to see what the Falcon Navy has been up to you can follow us on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok @falconnavy.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Unit Operating Costs
  • Resources for all cadets
  • Specialty equipment for our various teams
  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • 2023 Military Ball
  • 2023 All-Service Nationals

Group Standings

Falcon Navy
Unarmed Drill
Armed Drill
Academic/Brain Brawl

Top Donations


Friends and Family support you!

Aloha and Richard Jones

Love seeing these young students participate in this program

Laura Bastianelli

We are very proud of you!!!