Riley's Goal: $45
(Estimate based on completing 20 laps)

Help spread the word

Riley Posey
Team Barnett

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my sneakers next month and running my best at my school's Fun Run. I'm excited to be a part of it because this event raises money for me and my classmates to continue to be enriched with Art, Science, Music, PE and other programs that are essential but no longer provided by our education system.

I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a pledge per lap or a simple flat donation?

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

📣 Students will participate with their classmates in a very rockin' and fun atmosphere running/walking laps at Rocky's Rockin Run event which will take place on April 14, 2023. 🎸🫧

Watch our fun promo video here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nG_A9G3n6f72s6sKF04_qwpiospHdwcf/view

- Our Goal - to raise *$30,000* to support:
⚡️school enrichment programs,
⚡️school/community events and
⚡️ any family needs that arise in our highgate community

To make a donation, search for your student by using the participant search bar. 🔍↗️ You'll be able to donate a flat amount or an amount/per your student's lap.


Daily prizes for top earning classes - Watch Team (class) standings below to see which class will earn the Rocky Trophy for the day and a treat. 🏆

Individual students will be able to collect fun Rocky's Rockin Run gear by bringing in donations in any amount. (Gear will be delivered during the week before the run event.) Check to see what you'll be collecting👇

- Prize Breakdown -

❇️ Any $ amount - Run Like Rocky Wristband (1 per student)

❇️ $50+ - Highgate Huskies Sunglasses

❇️ $150+ - Highgate Tumbler w/straw & Sunglasses

❇️ $250+ - Rocky's Rockin Run T-Shirt, Tumbler w/straw & Sunglasses

❇️ $300+ - Rocky's Rockin Run Trucker Hat, T-Shirt, Tumbler w/straw & Sunglasses. Students will also be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift card and a chance to win an Uber'd McDonald's lunch with Mr. Johnson.

❇️ $500+ - Rocky's Rockin Run Trucker Hat, T-Shirt, Tumbler w/straw & Sunglasses AND entered into a drawing for tickets to a California Theme Park.

*prizes subject to updates

We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your support, time, and donations. Your ongoing backing and support are truly appreciated.✨❤️

🐶 Highgate, a new TK-6th grade public school, exists to provide high-quality, early education to a diverse group of children by facilitating an empowering, positive environment for all learners to own and grow their education. The Husky way - "Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible".🌟

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Art, Science, Music and PE enrichment programs
  • School and Community Events
  • Hospitality and Family Needs in the Community

Sponsored by:

Group Standings

Team Bickham
Team Hilton
Team Dimaggio
Team Madding
Team Straw

Top Donations


Wish you a fun day and I know you will do your best!

Aunt Connie
Chapstick Grandma & Papa

Go Riley!

Amaw and Papa Richard

Good luck Riley

Aunt Debbie