Lauren's Goal: $200

Help spread the word

Lauren Kerwin

Dear Friends and Family,

I am stepping up to the plate in June to raise money for Johnson City Little League at our Annual Hit-A-Thon. This event is to raise money to offset the cost of running the league. The money goes directly to help for field upgrades and equipment. I would appreciate it (and so would the other 150 Little Leaguers) if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

In our ongoing effort to continually provide needed field upgrades we rely heavily on fundraising to make up the cost associated with running our league. We hope that you will consider sponsoring one of our players. Johnson City Little League is a 501(c)(3) Not for Profit Charitable Organization and all donations are tax deductible. The Little League Softball Hit-A-Thon will take place at Virginia Ave Park on May 30th. We hope that all donors can attend to cheer on our players!

The more money a Player raises, the more softballs that player has to hit, and the better the chances that player has to win!

Money Raised Softballs to Hit
$5.00 - $9.99 1 Softball
$10.00 - $19.99 2 Softballs
$20.00 - $39.99 3 Softballs
$40.00 - $59.99 4 Softballs
$60.00 - $79.99 5 Softballs
$80.00 - $99.99 6 Softballs
$100.00 - $119.99 7 Softballs
$120.00 - $139.99 8 Softballs
$140.00 - $149.99 9 Softballs
$150.00 or more 10 Softballs

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field Supplies
  • Equipment
  • Facility Upgrades

Group Standings


Top Donations

Tommy’s Appliance

Let’s go lolo!!!
