Class' Goal: $150
(Estimate based on completing 30 minutes)

Help spread the word

Class sponsorship Coelho
Coelho - 3

Hello friends and family!

La Ballona Elementary School is hosting a jog-a-thon on Thursday, March 14, to raise money for our school. Every dollar we raise will go towards enrichment programs, classroom resources, campus upgrades and more.

I will join my schoolmates to run as many laps as I can during this 30-minute jog-a-thon. You can participate by making a donation for every minute I run OR by making a flat donation.

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!

For more information about our school, please visit laballonapta.org/lions-pride

About this fundraiser:


Your donations will help pay for:

  • Programs for Students
  • Resources for Teachers
  • Enrichment Programs
  • Campus Beautification

Group Standings

Gonzalez - 5
Nasser - 5
Flores -3
Carrillo - K
Orozco - 3

Top Donations

Melissa Fischer