Goal: $31,360
only 57 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

For spring break, we will head to London to work with a church planter there that some of us have worked with several times. We will do 5 days of work, 1 day of site-seeing, and have 2 days of travel. The money we raise goes towards airfare, lodging, and funding work projects that we will be doing.

All participants:

$21,535 raised
of $31,360 goal
Raised $1,250
Raised $1,240
Raised $1,220
Raised $1,150
Raised $1,055
Raised $1,045
Raised $1,045
Raised $1,030
Raised $1,025
Raised $1,010

Top Donations

Carl Mitchell
Carl Mitchell
Jay and Colleen Willis
Geema & Papa
Bethany and coach Dean

Proud of who you are Addy.