Goal: $26,500

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

You are invited to be a game-changer for MARA AA Baseball! We are hosting a Hit-A-Thon fundraiser, and we need your support! The funds raised will replace the batting cages throughout the park. Our cages are well-loved and need improvements. The brand-new cages will feature a turf floor and upgraded netting, mirroring the new batting cage on Field 4 (see photo).

How it works:
On March 16, 2024, our players will step up to the plate for the Hit-A-Thon. Each participant will receive 15 pitches. You are pledging to support a participant for each 'hit'. At the end of the tournament, hits will be tabulated and entered into our tracking system.

We invite you to witness the impact of your support firsthand at the Hit-A-Thon event on opening day (March 16th), on field four from 12 - 5 pm at MARA, 1200 S Trade St, Matthews 28105. Your team's Hit-A-Thon time will immediately follow their first game.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • New Turf Batting Cage at Field 8

All participants:

$1,083 raised
of $26,500 goal
Raised $305
Raised $192.75
Raised $160
Raised $120
Raised $100
Raised $60
Raised $50
Raised $30
Raised $25
Raised $20

Top Donations


Go Will

Mimi and Chas

So proud of you Lochlan ❤️


Way to go Sumner


Go Alex!

Nena and Poppy

So proud of you, Lochlan!