Goal: $18,000
only 51 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Monta Loma's annual Walk-A-Thon will be held on Friday, March 28, 2025 from school dismissal until 6pm. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.

The funds we raise will allow us to support additional enrichment for our school, including field trips, assemblies, equipment, classroom supplies, and staff appreciation.

Please encourage your child to collect pledges/donations for their class. Our goal this year is to raise $18,000. Please join your Monta Loma community and support our children and our school!

To further encourage fundraising efforts, we are holding classroom-level prizes where students can earn additional raffle tickets. Here are the tiers:
$1500+ - Each student gets 7 raffle tickets
$1000-$1499 - Each students gets 5 raffle tickets
$500-$999 - Each student gets 3 raffle tickets

If you plan to make a donation through your employer with corporate matching, please email info@montalomapta.org so that we can update our fundraising progress to reflect your donation. Thank you!

Group Standings

Ms Esposo, Room 14
Ms. Fletcher-Perry, Room 12
Ms Streich, Room 11
Ms Rodriguez, Room 22
Mr Ares, Room 21