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About this fundraiser:
Your generous support helps our students grow into lifelong learners who recognize their active role as Kingdom Builders within God’s story.
What does a Kingdom Builder look like at New Covenant School? Our students are shaping and engaging today’s culture as God Worshippers, Biblical Justice Seekers, Beauty Creators, Order Discoverers, Image Reflectors, Idolatry Discerners, Creation Enjoyers, Community Builders, Earth Keepers, and Servant Workers. Our innovative approach to teaching and learning guides student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking to both form our student learners and transform God's world around them.
Here are some of the ways we are fulfilling our mission and Daniel Model:
• Teaching for Transformation School (TfT) & Formative
Learning Experiences (FLEx)
• Intentional approach to character and spiritual formation
through daily worship and chapel program, NCS Daniel
model, Six Words of Servanthood, Sacred Space and fully
integrated bible curriculum
• Silver Partner in Invention Education Member (PIE),
Lemelson- MIT (Grades 1-5)
• NCS-designed Digital Literacy and Computer Programming
• Innovation in curriculum design and differentiated instruction
• Weekly science and engineering-focused seminars with NCS
PhD fellow in Structural Biology
• Strong commitment to God-inspired performing and visual
• Health and Fitness instruction
• After School School enrichment including Liturgical Dance, Robotics, Art and more.
Thank you for your investment in raising up the next generation of students equipped with godly wisdom and love and trained to excel in a life of learning, leadership, and service.
In His Service,
Victoria Landers, J.D.
Executive Director