Goal: $15,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

At Pleasant Ridge Elementary we pledge that we will equip all students with the knowledge, technological proficiency, and personal skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly complex society. Our ultimate goal is to instill in our students a desire for lifelong learning. We strive to provide an engaging environment both academically and socially for our students.

We could not do this without your ongoing support and backing. Fundraising this year will focus on funding class supplies, field trips, teacher grants, fun events and hopefully some playground shade!

Students will be challenged at our Fun-Run this year to see how many laps can be completed. As a donor, you can choose to sponsor your student through a flat donation or on a per lap rate.

We appreciate all help in showing our students how important their health and school pride is. Please know that no amount is too small. Thank you for your generosity!

Group Standings

K - Twork
2 - Houghton
K - Batterson
3 - Garbarz
1 - Caldwell

Top Donations

Ola Jacobs

Love you, AJ!

Many Family!!
Jenny Wank

Good luck. Aunt Jenny loves you lots!

Jody Feldkamp

Way to go Kaitlyn!