Goal: $20,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

We are thrilled and excited to launch our school-wide Summer Read-a-thon! Q300 is a community of learners and readers, and we continue our passion for books and knowledge into the summer months (while simultaneously raising money for our enrichment programs)!

We hope that each child can either raise minimally $50.00 or get at least 5 sponsors! If every child fundraises $50.00, we can raise over $20,000.00 for school enrichment and resources! But do not stop at $50.00! Try and get as many sponsors as possible to support our children’s reading habits and raise money for the school!

For more info or to print the Readathon packet, go to https://q300pta.org/2022/06/16/2022-summer-read-a-thon/
For any questions, reach out to fundraising@q300pta.org

Happy Reading!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Enrichment Programs (music, art, chess and more)
  • Classroom supplies

Group Standings

2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
1st Grade
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Christina Lee

Hugs and kisses, A! We are super proud!

James Yoo
Bibiana M Soto

Caleb your amazing you can reach your goal.

Stella Chen

Please keep reading more books!