Goal: $17,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Scotland Elementary is a school where student learning thrives, and children feel good about the place they call their school.

We believe this is because of the incredible students who attend our school, the awesome staff who believe that relationships with students are essential to optimal learning, and, more importantly, the incredible support of our families.

We could not engage in the fantastic learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Please search for your student's name to contribute and earn them a chance to win a prize based on fundraising success and sprints around the field!

If you are kind enough to donate, the option for a "tip" helps support 99 Pledges, who generously provides this tool to non-profits free of charge. The "tip" does NOT benefit the Scotland Elementary PTA.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • High-Quality In-School Enrichment Opportunities
  • Author Visits & Assembly Performances
  • Supplemental STEM Activities
  • Arts & Culture Events
  • Community Family events i.e. Movie Night, pumpkin blaze
  • Refreshments and snacks for the Teachers Lounge

All participants:

Top Donations


Go Mark!


Go Andrew!

Trompeter Family Foundation

So proud of you!

Mom & Dad

Way to go Oli!!!