Goal: $15,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Our kids learn as much off the field as they do on the field. We believe this is because of the incredible players, the excellent coaches, and the tremendous support from our families and community. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.

**If your team raises an average of $100 per player, they will win a team pizza party!!! (averages based on the number of players on each team)

DIVISION INDIVIDUAL PRIZES: (player with the most money raised per division)
**1st - $50 gift card
**2nd - $20 in tickets at the snack bar
**3rd - $10 in tickets at the snack bar

The J's team Hit-A-Thon will take place on April 3rd, right after their team photos.

Winners will be announced the week of the 4th..

Thank you for your ongoing support of Shadow Mountain Little League.


Your donations will help pay for:

  • New Bleachers
  • Bleacher Caps (for old bleachers)
  • Scholarships
  • League events
  • Overhead expenses (lighting, field rentals, etc.)
  • Field maintenance and repairs
  • Equipment

Group Standings

Minors - Underdogs
Farm - Venom
T-Ball - Camo Snakes
T-Ball - Diamond Dogs
Farm - Black Rattlers

Top Donations

Julia Melde

Good job Patton. We love you! Mike and Maga

Chris Leonard

Sun Tech Glass, Inc.

Chris Leonard

Sun Tech Glass, Inc.

Shona Tryon

Bob Clobber says “Go get ‘em Looker! Go, Jack, go! Love- PapaGrandma

Cheri melde

Mommy, Daddy, and Sissy love you Patton!