Goal: $6,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Welcome Parents, Students, and Friends to our 2024 Read-A-Thon!

Let's get a head start on our summer reading!

This program will bring students together with family and friends to encourage reading and to build literacy skills. The main focus of the Read-A-Thon is to show our commitment to improving reading skills. To that end, the Read-A-Thon promises to be a fun, exciting journey for all participants as they begin a personal Reading Adventure that challenges each reader to complete as many reading minutes as they can throughout the month of May.
We understand that, as parents, you have high expectations for the quality of your child’s education but also have limited time.

That’s why we chose to hold a Read-a-Thon.

As a reminder, each family has agreed to fundraise at LEAST $150 towards our Read-A-Thon. By simply activating your family’s personal page and using the promotional tools found there, friends and family anywhere in the world can show their support for your reader by making a donation to our Read-a-Thon. Sponsors may choose to pledge per minute your child reads, or they may opt for a flat donation. Large or small, every donation is appreciated.

Reading logs will be sent home with students so they can track the number of minutes that they read for the month. You are also able to track your minutes on your student page for this fundraiser. If you choose to track on the paper form, please return those to their classroom teacher by May 17th, prior to 4pm.

Your involvement in the Read-A-Thon will help your child develop a lasting love of reading, all while supporting the needs of St. Philip.

We thank you for your participation and look forward to seeing what your child is reading!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Student Scholarships
  • Facility Improvements
  • Student and Staff Needs

Group Standings


Top Donations

Grandma and Pawda

Great job, Henry!!!

Joseph Bochniak
Magdala Lafontant