Honoka's Goal: $75

Help spread the word

Honoka Suzuki

Please help our school raise money for programs like Recess 101, STEAM, Art and Library.

About this fundraiser:

To make a donation, click on the "Add Participant" link at the bottom of this page. When the window pops up, enter your student's name as the "Participant Name" and select your student's teacher as the "Group."

You should then be directed to your student's individual page where there is a donate button. Click on the button to make your gift to the PTA. Thank you so much for your support of our school!

Eisenhower Elementary PTA is raising money to ensure that all of the programs that our children love are available to them again next year. Unfortunately, due to grant cuts by the district, in order to make that happen we will need to raise more money than anticipated.

So far this year through Direct Donations, Dine Outs, Fall Festival, Gram Sales and Binglo Night, we have raised $49,465.96. In order to hit our goal to support all of our Enrichment Programs we now need to raise $116,000 (the original goal was $90,000).

This makes our new goal before the end of the year approximately $66,000. We have 2 large fundraisers left in the year, this Spring Direct Donation Drive and a Fun Run in March/April.

For this direct donation drive we are hoping to raise another $30,000 or $75 per student.

As an incentive
-Every student that raises $75 will receive an Eisenhower Spirit Wear Shirt
- If a student raises $150 they will receive a Spirit Wear Shirt & Hoodie!
- If your class raises $1200 you will earn a pizza party
-If the school reaches $30,000, not only will you get closer to supporting the enrichment programs for next year, you will also get a school wide popsicle party and extra recess!!!

We know that sometimes the monetary asks feel like a lot and we are thankful for any and all contributions. We are trying our best to ensure that all students at our school receive the programs that will be the best for them. If you would like to learn more and express your views, PLEASE join us at the next PTA Association Meetings in Feb, April and May.

All participants:

$2,373 raised
of $30,000 goal
Raised $237.50
Raised $225
Raised $175
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Honoka Suzuki