Goal: $20,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

At St. Francis Montessori our mission is to provide a safe, loving and enriching environment where children can grow and develop not only academically but socially, emotionally and spiritually as well. As Christian teachers, we strive to set an example of Christian behavior and give children the language of the Christian faith, allowing them to experience God rather than just learn about Him. By educating the “whole” child, we believe we are able to offer the community a better future filled with intelligent, confident and responsible human beings.

Our curriculum

The Montessori Curriculum is rich and varied. Every day children have the opportunity to work with materials which enhance learning in the following areas: Grace and Courtesy, Practical Living Skills, Sensory Awareness, Language Arts, Geography, Math and Geometry, History, Science, Art, Music and Movement

This includes nature and outdoor play! For this reason we are hosting this playground pledge drive to help add a new playground, along with other improvements to our school's outdoor recess area.

Being outside is one of our favorite areas to play and learn. Donating to this pledge will help add to this space and allow us to have more fun opportunities to learn and grow.

Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Playground
  • Swings
  • Other improvements

Group Standings

Team Ms. Marisol
Team Ms. Selyna
Team Ms. Betty

Top Donations

Paola Martinez
Judah and Bianca Swann

Go team Betty!!!

Julianna Iscapa

Que emoción!

Raffle Tickets - Jose Rafael y Patricio Terrazas