Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
The Cape Henlopen School District is proud to announce that four of our local school teams (Milton Elementary, Rehoboth Elementary, Lewes Elementary & Mariner Middle) advanced to the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals competition. The competition will take place May 21th-25th in Ames, Iowa at Iowa State University. Our students are thrilled to represent the Cape Region at this prestigious event.
Odyssey of the Mind (OM) teaches students to develop and use their natural creativity to become problem-solvers. Students are faced with a problem in need of an original solution and then present their solution to judges. These skills can then be applied to real life and are the exact skills business owners are seeking in today’s graduates. OM emphasizes teamwork, budgeting, time management, public speaking and so much more.
Today our teams are seeking to raise $50,000 to assure all students can attend World Finals. Funds will help cover room and board as well as airline tickets. The cost per student is over $1,500. All funds raised will be split evenly between the advancing teams.
Please support this opportunity for our students. You will be helping to make a difference in our local community. Thank you!!
Your donations will help pay for:
- Registration fees for Odyssey of the Mind worlds tournament
- Flights + Lodging
- T-shirt’s + Pins + Prop/set transfer
Top Donations
You go Milton! We are so proud of you all!!!
We support Cape Henlopen and Odyssey!
Great showing by a great group of kids! Also, well done, team parents. Super commitment by all.

Way to go OM!