Goal: $60,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Our school PTA is a non-profit organization that works hard to ensure every child has an enriching experience while at school. Our Music and Garden Ranger Programs, along with other enrichment classes, expose our students to unique learning opportunities and help make school a fun place to be.

Our music program is provided by Education Through Music (ETM-LA), which utilizes music education to improve self-confidence and nurture skills that help students thrive. The wonderful Mrs. Walsh teaches weekly music lessons all year long. It's scientifically proven that music education makes kids more empathetic, as well as better at math!

Our Enrich LA Garden Ranger Program includes a trained garden teacher who instructs each class for 10 weeks. The students learn about plant life cycles, urban gardening, and the importance of native pollinators.

If we exceed our goal, we can do even more! In just the past two years, our excess funds helped get us our TURF FIELD and our GAGA BALL games! The school yard has never been more fun for our Tigers!

Thank you for your support, and please share as widely as you can!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Music Program
  • Garden Ranger Program
  • Other Enrichment and Assemblies

All participants:

$79,000 raised
of $60,000 goal
Raised $4,210
Raised $3,790
Raised $2,573
Raised $2,214
Raised $2,100
Raised $2,075
Raised $1,660
Raised $1,550
Raised $1,526
Raised $1,430

Top Donations

The D'Agostos

We love our Toluca Lake family!

Nana and Baba

We love you Hark!!

Alcantar Family

Let’s Go Sophia!!! Wishing you all the best! Semper Fi


Way to go Joni!

Mom & Dad

We love you, Roxie! Go Tigers!