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Dear Parent/Neighbor/Friend,
Frederick National Little League (FNLL), a non-profit affiliate of Little League, Inc., needs your support. FNLL is a volunteer baseball and softball organization that assists youth in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. Most of all, we want children to learn and have fun.
Throughout the year, FNLL organizes more than 20+ teams with over 230+ players from the ages of 4 through 12. FNLL has substantial operating expenses which include the maintenance of fields, especially our home field at Robert B. Staley Stadium, leasing fields from the City of Frederick, insurance and the purchase of uniforms, equipment, and hundreds of baseballs. Registration fees pay a good portion of the overall expenses. However, FNLL aims to make greater improvements in the overall experience for our players.
Thanks in advance for your support!
About this fundraiser:
The FNLL Hit-A-Thon will be held on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at Staley Stadium. Baseball players from Gov. Thomas Johnson teams have agreed to volunteer and help in this year’s event! With hundreds of players and volunteers involved, the Hit-A-Thon will be a fun event for all. Please come out to cheer on all of the players supporting FNLL!
Please support the 2017 FNLL Hit-A-Thon fundraiser. We welcome your donation, for a fixed amount, to guarantee a player Hits and has the chance for great prizes
• Each player will seek pledges from friends, family, and neighbors. For every $10 pledged the player will get 1 hit off a tee with a maximum of 7 hits total. (ex. $60 pledged = 6 hits)
• For every $10 pledged over $70 the player will get 1 ticket that will be entered into drawing for various prizes ranging from video games to baseball equipment. ($150 pledged = 8 tickets)
• Forms and collected money are to be given to their Team Parent by May 17.
Players will hit by age groups:
Baseball Softball
4-6 year olds • 8-10 year olds
7-8 year olds • 11-12 year olds
9-10 year olds
11-12 year olds
• Players will hit between 1-7 balls off a tee for distance and accuracy
• Farthest hit per age group wins a Hit-a-thon trophy.
• Hits that stop in designated targets win prizes.
• Drawing for players with raffle tickets
The sponsor donates the total amount pledged and each youngster plays an active role in “earning” support for FNLL.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Improvements to the League
- Field Improvements
All participants:
Top Donations
Good Luck Casey - We love you!
Go Casey! Love you!!!
Love you Casey J!

Good luck Casey LU