Randolph's Goal: $50
(Estimate based on completing 10 shots)

Help spread the word

Randolph Hardy

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my cleats next month and giving it my best shot on January 11th. This event raises money for me and my teammates to continue to have equipment needed to train and play the great game of soccer. We have been working really hard our coaches say we are ready!

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

The SFHS Men's Varsity & Jr. Varsity teams are looking forward to showing you their shooting skills. On January 11th, the player's will get the opportunity to take 10 rapid fire shots on the goal. Pledges can be made $ per shot or a flat donation. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.

JV and V players, that participate, will be taking shots before the game.

If you have any questions you can email the fundraiser coordinator, Lynn Peloquin, alpeloquin5@verizon.net or to the boys booster email, sfmenssoccerbooster@gmail.com.

We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Purchasing equipment for the JV & V boy's soccer team.
  • Cost of tournament traveling, lodging, and food.
  • Covering cost of items not covered with school funds.

All participants:

$1,540 raised
of $2,050 goal
Raised $200
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $150
Raised $120
Raised $100
Raised $55
Raised $50
Raised $50

Top Donations

Renefel Capulong

Good luck Randolph!

Larry Hughes
Erin Moore

You will do great. Follow your dream. Meredith