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About this fundraiser:
Mark your calendar! Walkathon, Holy Trinity’s annual fall fundraiser, will be on Saturday Oct. 5. All money raised goes directly to the school.
Our 2024 goal is to raise $50,000 through Walkathon. Funds raised will be divided into two parts, with 80% going towards building improvements, and 20% going towards an additional outdoor learning space for prayer and religion.
The money for the building improvements will go towards a geothermal system. By donating, you are helping us reduce our carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and provide a healthier learning environment for our students. This system will not only serve our school today but also teach future generations about the importance of renewable energy.
The outdoor learning space will be a Rosary Walk, which will be a dedicated space for prayer; to include walking stations of the cross. Elements of the space will be created by students.
Students will collect pledges from friends and family members before walking with their classmates and community members at the Walkathon on Oct. 5.
Your donations will help pay for:
- 80% for building improvements for our 100+ year old building
- Outdoor learning space: a Rosary Walk
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All participants:

So proud of you!