Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
My school is having a 5K Survivor Series Cancer Awareness Walk to raise funds for D.A.T.E. Academy in Stone Mountain, GA. Our 5K raises money for me and my classmates to enjoy STEAM programs, support for our school clubs and organizations, and other cool extracurricular activities all year. Also included this year, will be a donation to 3 cancer survivors at my school.
Please support me (and my 750 schoolmates) by joining my 5K Survivor Series Team today!
All you have to do is donate $20 (minimum) to join my team. Even if you can't walk or run with us on Oct. 5th but want to donate to my team, every little bit helps! Click the DONATE button, select OTHER, type in your donation amount, submit & that's it!
7:00A On-site Check-In
8:00A Welcome & Opening Remarks
8:30A Stretch & Warm Up
9:00A 5K Begins
10:30A Awards & Acknowledgements
Thank you!
About this fundraiser:
This year at DeKalb Agriculture Technology & Environment, otherwise known as D.A.T.E. Academy; we are preparing for a Survivor Series 5K: Cancer Awareness Walk & Run on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at D.A.T.E. This fundraising event will honor our loved ones, faculty, staff, parents and community stakeholders who have SURVIVED CANCER, as well as those of us who are SURVIVED BY the loved ones who have transitioned from this life due to any form of cancer.
In order to join a team, we ask that you make a donation of $20.00.
D.A.T.E. Academy believes in learning through Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor. Unfortunately, cancer is impacting many if not all of us, through our loved ones or sometimes ourselves. There were an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases diagnosed in the United States in 2022, according to the American Cancer Society. So there's no doubt that this awareness event and fundraiser is not only relevant to our lives and relationships; but is also likely to spark a compassionate flame in many of our scholars - a flame that may one day become the next scientist to discover a cure!
We have incredible students, awesome staff who believe in our scholars, and supportive parents who show up when we call (text or email too). We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and fun things we do here at D.A.T.E., without your participation, encouragement, and monetary support.
Your support and participation in helping to raise funds for items that are not included in the school budget are truly appreciated. The PTO has an amazing year of activities and events planned for our families. Therefore, 100% of the donations collected go toward the implementation of these events and activities throughout the school year. A portion of the proceeds from this fundraiser will also be donated to 3 D.A.T.E. survivors.
Our annual school-wide fundraiser, sponsored by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at D.A.T.E., helps students raise money by collecting donations or pledges toward our collective goal of $100,000.
D.A.T.E. students, faculty, staff, parents and community stakeholders invite family, friends and neighbors to support them by joining their Survivor Series 5K Team. Parents, all you need to do is send your student's personal link via text or email to family and friends so they can donate and register to join your team directly. There is no selling or collecting anything!
All D.A.T.E. families, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the Survivor Series 5K on Saturday, October 5, 2024, with a team of at least 10 people (adults and/or other children) registered to walk. Even if they do not plan to walk with your team - all registrations count toward our collective and individual fundraising goal.
Each team member must donate $20 to register for the Survivor Series 5K. Click DONATE, select OTHER, type in your donation amount of at least $20, and submit payment to join the team. JUST THAT SIMPLE!
D.A.T.E. students, faculty, staff, parents and community stakeholders are welcomed to register more than 10 people on their team. We just ask that each team consist of AT LEAST 10 people, if possible.
Of course, there will be prizes for the students, faculty, staff, and community partners who register the largest team or the first team, or the best dressed team, or the fastest team, etc.!!
Of course, parents can log 20 volunteer hours for every $200 raised by logging onto the D.A.T.E. PTO page www.datepto.membershiptoolkit.com or the Membership Toolkit App.
Of course, you should follow the DATE PTO on Instagram @official.date.pto for the latest news & reminders for this event and throughout the school year. Please tag us in your posts and pictures at or after the 5K as well! Or you can email photos to us at pto@dateacademy.org.
***THE 5K***
1. Team Registration will begin August 11th and close October 5th.
2. The first 500 registrants will receive a Survivor Series 5K T-shirt and Swag Bag at the event (deadline for tshirts/bags is Sep 20th).
3. The tentative schedule for Oct. 5th will include:
7:00A On-site Check-In & T-Shirt / Swag Bag Pick-up
8:00A Welcome & Opening Remarks
8:30A Stretch & Warm Up
9:00A 5K Begins
10:30A Awards & Acknowledgements
Your donations will help pay for:
- Fall Carnival
- Honors Day Awards (fall and spring)
- Volunteer Appreciation
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Campus Updates & Projects
- Support for Clubs & Organizations
- 2024 Eagles S.O.A.R. Alumni Scholarship
All participants:
Top Donations
Me Love You More Sonny!!!
Love you!
Awareness Education and Healing. Keep getting in good trouble.

Let's Goooooooo!