Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
I am lacing up my sneakers for my school's biggest fundraiser of the year- the Da Vinci Dash! This year we are challenged to help raise $40,000 between October 7-November 10. Then on Friday, November 8th I will see how many laps I can do. The class with the most laps will get an extra recess!!
The Dash raises money for my awesome school. This year we are raising money for activities like artist-in-residence, class gardens, school sports, and student clubs.
I would appreciate it - and so would my 800+ schoolmates - if you would support me by making a donation. The students with the highest fundraising will get gift cards of their choice and the class with the highest amount raised will get a party of their choice: pizza, donuts or popcorn.
Thanks in advance for your support!
About this fundraiser:
Leonardo da Vinci K-8 School is a community dedicated to the development of the whole child as a curious and inventive person, responsible for preserving and creating beauty in our cultural and natural environments. We are a school where student learning thrives and children feel good about the place they call their school.
Each year, Leonardo da Vinci hosts the DaVinci Dash to raise funds for these enrichment programs. The Dash is the biggest school fundraiser of the year, and funds raised go to the PTC general fund and support activities like Artist in Residence, sports and equipment, student clubs, and our community gardens.
Our goal is to raise $40,000 and we can only achieve that with the whole LdV family getting engaged.
This year’s Da Vinci Dash is going to be a 4 week fundraising campaign, starting October 7th and concluding on November 10th. Students will receive their t-shirts, with sponsorship logos, on October 25th and on November 8th see how many laps they can run around the scenic. eK-K will run in the front of the school. The grade with the most laps will get an extra recess!
Top fundraisers in eK-6th will receive gift cards of their choice ($100 for first, $75 for second, and $50 for third). The top two fundraisers in 7-8th will each receive a $100 gift card. The 3 top fundraising classes in TK-3rd grades and top 3 classes in 4-8th grades will each win a class party of their choice: pizza, popsicles or donuts.
Search for your runners name in the "search for participant" bar. Your support is truly appreciated!
Your donations will help pay for:
- Expanded art programs
- Class gardens
- Student clubs
- School athletics
All participants:
Top Donations
Run Olive run!
Go Ollie!!!
We are so proud of you!

You go girl!! Love GPB and GMCJ