Olivia's Goal: $100
(Estimate based on completing 8 laps)

Help spread the word

Olivia Fiebig

About this fundraiser:

Count along with the Fairport Skippers Cross-Country team and the Fairport Athletic Boosters as they show their growing endurance by running laps around Fairport Harding High School. One lap is about 1/2 a mile and is pretty easy but how does it feel to run 5, 10, 20...? Our team will take on the challenge and attempt to run as many laps as possible on Sunday, October 17.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • New Uniforms
  • New Warmups
  • Tent
  • Summer Camps

All participants:

$1,913 raised
of $5,000 goal

Top Donations

Stacey Fiebig

Good job Olivia.

Sara LeMond

So proud of you, Olivia!

Christina Connell

Olivia so proud of you! Go get 'em!

Jennifer Kovell
Stacey Fiebig

Way to go girl, love Aunt B