Help spread the word
Hey Friends and Family,
I am lacing up my sneakers next month and putting my best foot forward at the Hebron Valley Elementary Husky Hustle Move-a-thon.
This event raises money for academic, enrichment and counseling programs for me and my classmates. It also allows me to participate in healthy activities like playdates, movie nights and more!
I would really appreciate it if you would help me achieve my personal goal to support my school!
Thanks in advance for your support.
About this fundraiser:
The Husky Hustle fundraiser is how the PTA sponsors events like Donuts with Grownups, class parties, movie nights, carnival, teacher appreciation events and grants, special programs like the Dallas Mavericks assembly, on-campus improvements and more! This event also promotes the importance of health, fitness and service to our school. To fully fund our budget, we need to raise $25,000!
Get started today by finding your child's own fundraising page. Fundraising begins Monday, February 6th and ends on Friday, February 24th as we celebrate with our Annual Husky Hustle Move-a-thon.
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Go Declan! Love, Nana xx
Love, Mom and Dad
Declan-good luck with your fundraising. Love Poppy and Dee Dee