Jack's Goal: $150
(Estimate based on completing 10 hits)

Help spread the word

Jack P.
Minor A - Dodgers

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for visiting my page. I am participating in my little league's hit-a-thon to raise money for field improvements and equipment.

My coach will be throwing 10 pitches to me at opening day and I am hoping to hit as many as possible! I am asking for your help so I can reach my fundraising goal. Will you help me by making a pledge per hit or by making a simple flat donation?

I appreciate all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

The HWLL players will be participating in a hit-a-thon on Opening Day, February 23rd, following the parade. Each player will get the opportunity to hit 10 pitches to raise money for the league and possibly earn player incentives. Please consider making a per hit or flat donation to support our league in making field improvements and equipment purchases.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field Improvements
  • Equipment

All participants:

$48,910 raised
of $40,000 goal
Raised $1,250
Raised $775
Raised $660
Raised $655
Raised $600
Raised $595
Raised $575
Raised $565
Raised $555
Raised $550

Top Donations


Great Job Jack! Miss you and love you!

Susie W Pendleton

Looking forward to seeing your games!

Aurora E Perez

Love you! Frank & Aurora

Louis Perez

Go Jack! Proud of you. -Cousin Louis

Jackie Pendleton