Gianna's Goal: $400

Help spread the word

Gianna Luis
Laux (6th Grade)

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm participating in my school's Aprende Rocks! Pledge Drive. I'm excited to be a part of it because it raises money for me and my classmates to continue to be enriched with the things we need to be successful in school.

I'm asking for donors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a simple flat donation of $10? For every $10 you donate, you will get an entry in our opportunity drawing with some awesome prizes donated by our community. Donate $50 and you get 5 entries... you get the idea. AND for every $10 I raise, I will get an entry into our awesome student drawing! Talk about a win-win-win!

Take a look at the details and most current prizes here: https://www.kyrene.org/Page/48326

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

All participants:

$20,497 raised
of $30,000 goal
Raised $1,000
Raised $705
Raised $600
Raised $500
Raised $500
Raised $460
Raised $420
Raised $400
Raised $360
Raised $350

Top Donations


Way to go Gianna


Go Gianna!


Way to go Gianna!
