Oliver's Goal: $60
(Estimate based on completing 5 hits)

Help spread the word

Oliver Deschaine
Junior/Senior - Little League Baseball

Dear Friends and Family,

I am having fun in Avondale Little League's Fall Fundamentals Baseball and Softball season for 2023.

This event helps me and my teammates raise money to be able to play on our baseball and softball fields and use the required equipment to make sure we are all safe when we go out on the field

I would appreciate it (and so would my 400+ league teammates) if you could help support me. My goal is $60 for this season

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

Avondale Little League, affiliated with LITTLE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL, has been providing baseball and softball programs to Avondale youth for more than a decade.

Our objective is to not only provide baseball and softball programs, but to promote good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect. We are a non-profit organization relying on sponsors and fundraising to help offset costs of providing these services to our community. We need your support!

Our kids learn as much off the field as they do on the field. We believe this is because of the incredible players, the awesome coaches and more importantly the incredible support from our families and community of VOLUNTEERS to make it all possible.

Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.

We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field Fees
  • Umpire Fees
  • Storage Shed Updates

All participants:

$5,311 raised
of $20,810 goal
Raised $520
Raised $235
Raised $220
Raised $200
Raised $190
Raised $180
Raised $160
Raised $140
Raised $140
Raised $140

Top Donations

Deschaine, J&L
Grandma Debbie

I am so proud of you Oliver! I know you will kick their behinds!!


Go Oliver!!


Hope it’s a great season!


Bat 1,000!!!