Weston's Goal: $100

Help spread the word

Weston Dice
Team Hedlund

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my sneakers next month and running my best at my school's Color Run, whether it will be in person or virtual. I'm excited to be a part of it because this event raises money for me and my classmates to continue to be enriched with programs such as nature, CNC and more that are essential to our education.

I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a pledge a simple flat donation? Business sponsorships are accepted too! Our School would love to advertise your business during our school events!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

We are a school where student learning thrives and children feel good about the place they call their school. We believe that this is because of the incredible students that attend our school, the awesome staff who believe that relationships with students are key to optimal learning and more importantly the incredible support of our families. We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

We look forward to an amazing school year and thanks again!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Playground equipment
  • Mulch
  • Outdoor play for nature programs
  • Educational Programs
  • Snow Cone Machines

All participants:

$11,264 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $560
Raised $520
Raised $505
Raised $500
Raised $320
Raised $320
Raised $310
Raised $300
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Richard Dice

Doing great son love you

Ruby Stottlemyer

Love you buddy! Have fun at your color run!

Richard Dice

Weston Dice

Richard Dice
Michael goodman